For those of you that may not know, I've been on bedrest for the past three weeks because of some complications. At 13 weeks I began some sudden heavy bleeding. After a scary night in the ER, we were relieved to discover that our little one was doing just fine. The bleeding lightened up, but continued for another couple of weeks, which was why I was on bedrest. It wasn't the funnest experience of my life, but I was happy to do what I needed to to take care of that little baby. Honestly, I think the respite was good for both of us as well.
Yesterday we had another doctor appointment and it went really well! Everything looks wonderful and I've been "released" from bedrest. They said I can slowly come off of it over the weekend, getting up a little more and running a couple of errands. Then it's back to work on Monday!
We're so grateful for everyone that offered their support to us during this time. It was only a few weeks, but we were so impressed with our family and friends that reached out to us. Words of support, phone calls, visits with food and things to keep me busy ... it was all very much appreciated. We feel very blessed!