Monday, October 19, 2009

Giggly Baby

I realize that not everybody wants to see videos of Shae talking on a daily basis. To some, one talking baby is just as cute as any other and they don't necessarily need to see it over and over again. However, for those of you that are as smitten with this little guy as his daddy and I are (grandparents), you'll love this one. In this one, you'll notice something new... laughing!

Once again I had to be sneaky with the camera so that Shae wouldn't notice it and get shy. I wish I could've had it right on his face so that you could see just how amazingly adorable he was.

I apologize to those of you that get annoyed with those parents that think that their kids are the cutest and most amazing ones to ever live and are always rubbing it in your face, but this is my blog and that's what I intend to use it for. Am I saying that Shae is cuter and sweeter than any other baby in the history of mankind?...Yes. Yes I am.

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