Thursday, April 8, 2010

Farewell, Float Court

The time has come to say good bye to our first home. Of course we're delighted to be moving on to something better... more space, a yard, a garage we can actually open our car doors in, and... STORAGE!!! This excites me beyond belief.

But saying farewell to Float Court feels a little bittersweet. This place holds so many amazing memories. We purchased this first home of ours in the summer of 2005 as Joseph Stanton and Alison Wilhelm, and just a few short months later, we started our lives together here as Mr. and Mrs. Stanton. It's in this house that I've learned what it means to be married, a soulmate, a partner in life.

Before we knew it, our family grew as we brought 1 1/2 year old Rocky home from the Humane Society. I don't think either of us will ever forget introducing Rocky to his new home and playing with him in the living room that first night. This place does indeed hold many Rocky memories. Running through the screen door, his first (and probably last) taste of champaign on our first wedding anniversary, the countless chewed up objects, and his arch nemesis, Buddy the Birdie who visits the pond out back every summer. It's in this house that I've learned how to be (somewhat) patient with an overactive, stubborn canine.

Rocky, how did this slipper get here?

That overactive, stubborn canine was by Joe's side (literally) for a year and a half as he wrote his first novel. From laying out ideas, to weaving them all together, Rocky and I witnessed Joe accomplish something huge. I'll never forget when Joe walked upstairs after typing those last words, looking so proud (and tired). We celebrated with champaign once more, but this time Rocky passed. It's in this house that I've learned how to be a supportive wife. And it's in this house that I've learned what an ambitious and talented husband I truly have.

Writing by hand out on the deck

And then there was the big one: Mr. Shae Dallas. I've never had such an indescribable feeling as I did when we read that positive pregnancy test, and I'll always remember exactly where Joe and I stood hugging and crying when we read it. This place holds a lot of exciting pregnancy memories, right down to the end when we timed the contractions in disbelief that the time was actually here. And there have been so many firsts for Shae in this house! First smile, first coo, first time rolling over, first tooth, first time saying Obama. It's in this house that I've learned what it means to be a mommy. It's in this house that I've learned unconditional love.

Shae's first bedroom

Playing in his crib

Future blackmail picture


Good bye Float Court! Thanks for the memories. The memories may have taken place in this house, but they live in our minds, and they're most definitely coming with us!

And so now we move on to the next chapter, where there will undoubtably be even more firsts and magical memories!


Lori said...

That was VERY touching! I am writing this with tears in my eyes. It holds many special memories for me too. Thank You!

EMS said...

Wow, you are really an excellent writer AND an excellent photographer.


Jen said...

You are such an amazing writer! I loved that! I'm sure the future has many more beautiful memories in it for you!!! Happy Moving!!!