Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I've Conquered the World!

...or so it feels.

As some of you may know, Shae is not exactly the best eater. Although I don't share this theory, Shae believes that there are much more fun things to be doing than eating. Just about every baby food meal has been a struggle. And solids? Forget about it. The mere thought of putting finger foods into his mouth makes Shae squirm.

Over the past few months we've only been successful on a few solids:
  • Gerber Puffs
  • Gerber Yogurt Melts
  • Gerber Lil' Crunchies
You get the picture. Something about those colorful Gerber packages I guess. Although not the worst thing in world to eat, those Gerber snacks just weren't going to cut it nutritionally, and I was really hoping to not have to keep up with straight baby food for too much longer.

What else can I get this kid to eat?! Hmmm...

Looks like a delicious Gerber snack...
Yes! He's eating it!
Ha! Joke's on you, kid! That's tofu coated in graham cracker crumbs you're eating! Mommy snuck them into an empty Gerber container and you were none the wiser.

And so, yes, this is what conquering the world feels like to a mom that has been worried about the development and nutrition intake of her dear, sweet child for far too long.

*Side note: For those of you following the soy debate, do not worry; the amounts of tofu being consumed will not affect Shae's estrogen levels :)

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