Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Shae!

Wow! What a difference a year makes! I really can't believe that our little guy is a one year old. It feels like we spent so much time preparing for life with a newborn, and now all of a sudden we've got ourselves a toddler! He sure is a fun toddler with a charming personality though!

Here are just a few of my favorite things about this boy as a one year old:
  • He is extremely friendly, as he smiles, laughs, and waves at complete strangers on a daily basis. Target cashier, old lady in the Kohl's parking lot, screaming kid at Menards...you name it.
  • He gets a huge smile on his face when he sees Mommy and Daddy hug.
  • That smile turns to a giggle when he sees Mommy and Daddy kiss.
  • He makes his loud rooster sounds whenever riding in the car, I think just to make us laugh.
  • He loves his mommy, but he LOVES his daddy.
I could go on and on about the things that make Shae such a cool kid. I watch him everyday in awe that he's mine (and I know that his daddy does too).

We were so grateful to have a house full of amazing family and friends to help us celebrate Shae's first year of life. What a special day it was!

Shae woke up to find some presents from Mommy and Daddy

What's a party without punch and cake?

Shae's lion cake

Hamming it up and loving all of the attention!

We squeezed a few people into the kitchen

Mommy choked back tears and Shae looked around at his house full of guests as we sang Happy Birthday

Mmmmm, cake

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